Green transition projects 2023–2026
Operators can request priority processing for their water resource management or environmental permit applications in 2023–2026. The purpose of getting priority is to enable faster processing of a permit application at the Regional State Administrative Agency.
Priority will be given to permit applications for green transition projects that take into account the Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) principle. The permit procedure and consideration will otherwise follow the normal process.
What kinds of applications can be given priority?
Priority can be granted to applications that concern
- energy production plants producing energy from renewable energy, and offshore wind farms and related water management projects
- industrial projects replacing fossil fuels or raw materials with renewable energy or electrification
- production and utilisation of hydrogen, except for producing hydrogen from fossil fuels
- capture, utilisation and storage of carbon
- battery factories and the production, recovery and reuse of battery materials.
Applicants must separately request access to the priority procedure. These requests must include a DNSH report.
The Ministry of the Environment has prepared both a form and guidelines for permit applicants on how to apply for a priority and how to prepare a DNSH report. (Download link for the form (in Finnish) and link to the guidelines.) Submit the form as an appendix to the permit application. If you are requesting priority for a matter that is already pending, send the form to the registry office of the relevant Regional State Administrative Agency. In this case, the register number for the matter must be included in the message.
For more information, contact the ELY Centre’s customer service for environmental enquiries.