Promotion of welfare and public health
Promotion of welfare and public health refers to actions and measures targeted at improving public health and well-being and narrowing the health care gap. Multidisciplinary and successful promotion of well-being requires a solid framework, skilled professionals, adequate services and resources for promoting well-being.
A solid framework is based on the inclusion of the management, coordination and planning of health and well-being promotion in the national, regional and local well-being and safety planning. We help ensure this statutory obligation is met for example with a network of contact persons for local promotion of well-being and health.
The promotion of well-being, health and safety is the shared responsibility of several bodies and authorities. We provide support and guidance for local authorities. We also work together with regional and national bodies to promote well-being and health. Experts from various fields and agencies are involved in the promotion of well-being and health, and only a fraction of well-being services is provided by social welfare and health care.
Our areas of responsibility (education, culture, social welfare, health, rescue and environmental services and environmental health, occupational safety and health and alcohol control) help provide guidance and support for large-scale cooperation between different sectors to promote well-being, health and safety on the municipal level. We have representatives in different local and regional networks and we support efforts to promote well-being and health. We monitor and influence services promoting well-being and health.