Current issues
Here you will find Regional State Administrative Agencies’ news published in English.
We publish our press releases, news and other current material mainly in Finnish and in Swedish.
Current issues in Finnish
Current issues in Swedish
Decision (unofficial translation: legally binding texts are those in Finnish and Swedish):
On 26 June 2024, the Regional State Administrative Agency's Occupational Safety and Health Division has adopted a decision in the matter concerning the provision of pay slips dnr ESAVI/12754/2024. The decision applies to Cessel Oy (business ID 3144956-4 ).
The decision is available to the interested party until 20 September 2024 at the Helsinki office of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland located at the address Ratapihantie 9, 00520 Helsinki.
This notice has been published on the Regional State Administrative Agency's website on 13 September 9, 2024. It is deemed that the information has been served no later than on the seventh day following the publication of the notification. The decision may be appealed to the Hämeenlinna Administrative Court within 30 days of being notified of the decision.
Decision (unofficial translation: legally binding texts are those in Finnish and Swedish):
On 26 June 2024, the Regional State Administrative Agency's Occupational Safety and Health Division has adopted a decision in the matter concerning the provision of pay slips dnr ESAVI/12648/2024. The decision applies to Cessel Oy (business ID 3144956-4).
The decision is available to the interested party until 20 September 2024 at the Helsinki office of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland located at the address Ratapihantie 9, 00520 Helsinki.
This notice has been published on the Regional State Administrative Agency's website on 13 September 9, 2024. It is deemed that the information has been served no later than on the seventh day following the publication of the notification. The decision may be appealed to the Hämeenlinna Administrative Court within 30 days of being notified of the decision.
The Regional State Administrative Agency acts as the authority processing claims for rectification in certain matters concerning the provision of education for pupils and students. The procedure of claiming for rectification is meant for investigating the legality of an administrative decision. In other words, it is a procedure of legal protection that ensures that decision-making related to the performance of public administrative tasks is carried out in accordance with the law. The provision of teaching is a public administrative task, which is mainly the responsibility of municipalities. The majority of the claims for rectification concern decisions made by the officials of municipalities or joint municipal authorities in matters concerning individual pupils and students. The Regional State Administrative Agency is as competent to investigate claims for rectification concerning decisions made by private schools and educational institutions as decisions made by state-owned schools.
The claims for rectification processed by the Regional State Administrative Agency concern various issues related to the provision of teaching for pupils and students. The legislation on education grants the Regional State Administrative Agency the power to investigate decisions concerning matters such as the provision of support for pupils and students and, in the case of general upper secondary and vocational education and training, decisions related to the duration of studies. However, most of the claims for rectification concern decisions made on pupil and student admissions, especially in pre-primary and basic education.
Determination of a child's school in pre-primary and basic education
Municipalities are responsible for providing pre-primary and basic education. To fulfil this obligation, each municipality must assign a school to children of pre-primary and basic education age who live in their respective areas by following the neighbourhood school principle. The assigned place for pre-primary education can be in early childhood education and care instead of a school; this meaning will be included when school is mentioned in further on.
Decision-making concerning the neighbourhood school must include an assessment of the safety and distance of the child’s school trip, taking into account the location of home and school and transport connections. The premise is that the municipality assigns a neighbourhood school that is as nearby as possible and can be reached as safely as possible. However, consideration in the decision-making must be given to the children's school trips as a whole, taking into account the limited number of places for pupils in schools. The municipality does not need to assign any individual child the neighbourhood school that is geographically closest and within the safest route. The municipality has the power to decide on the child's neighbourhood school, and there is no obligation to comply with a guardian's request for their child's school placement. The Basic Education Act also does not provide that, when assigning a neighbourhood school, the municipality should take into account the child's friendships or where their older siblings go to school, or other matters related to the child's life or the family's daily life.
When investigating the legality of a decision on a child's assigned neighbourhood school, the investigation is primarily focused on whether the municipality has complied with the neighbourhood school principle laid down in section 6 of the Basic Education Act. Municipalities may steer decision-making concerning neighbourhood schools by sectioning areas between schools and with other pupil admission criteria whose equal application is also assessed when the decision on a claim for rectification is made. In decision-making, the municipality must follow the principle of non-discrimination laid down in section 6 of the Administrative Procedure Act, which requires equal treatment of children when assigning neighbourhood schools. The requirement of equal treatment does not mean that completely identical treatment should be guaranteed in decision-making. The location of children's homes alone and also the limited number places for pupils in schools are limiting factors. Municipalities are also obligated under section 30 of the Basic Education Act to ensure that teaching groups of a reasonable size can be formed in all schools, which helps to ensure that children have good prerequisites for learning and school attendance.
The above-mentioned provisions give municipalities a great amount of discretion when assigning a neighbourhood school. Especially in densely built areas with an equally dense network of schools, there may be many lawful solutions for a child's neighbourhood school. The number of children also varies annually in different areas, which may mean that not all children in a family are assigned the same neighbourhood school. Doing so is not contrary to equal treatment because equality is only assessed between the children who are being assigned a place in school at any given time.
Secondary pupil admission
In pre-primary and basic education, secondary pupil admission is also an option. Section 28(2) of the Basic Education Act gives children the option to apply for a place at any school other than the neighbourhood school assigned to them. A child is entitled to a secondary place of schooling if there is room in the school after the primary pupil admission (assignment of neighbourhood schools). To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the education provider (municipality, state or private) must decide before pupil admissions on the maximum number of pupils that can be admitted to each teaching group and on what grounds the applicants are prioritised if there are not enough places for all applicants. The municipality can give priority to applicants residing in the municipality.
The Basic Education Act and the related legislative drafting documents clearly state that the priority in pre-primary and basic education is that the principle of neighbourhood schools is ensured. Municipalities can thus only set the maximum number of pupils for secondary pupil admission to ensure that any children moving to a nearby area can be admitted to school during the school year. In other words, a municipality can exceed the maximum number of pupils in primary pupil admissions and, at its discretion, assign a school as a neighbourhood school to a child who moves nearby.
Another case of secondary pupil admission is when there is special emphasis on one or more subjects. Examples of this include the focus on sports or music, or when teaching is arranged in English. In such cases, pupil admission may be based on an aptitude test for the relevant education. Applicants must be treated equally in the aptitude tests and related scoring, and pupils must be admitted in the order of their score. The education provider may set a minimum number of points for admission.
Statistics show that most claims for rectification concerning decisions on pupil admission in pre-primary and basic education are rejected. The rejection of a request means that the decision is considered lawful, in which case there is no justification for revoking the decision and returning the matter to the education provider for re-examination. Especially decisions on neighbourhood schools are rarely found to be unlawful because municipalities have fairly large discretionary power within the limits of the neighbourhood school principle. In secondary pupil admission, a decision might be unlawful if a child has not been admitted to a school even though there is space or if admission criteria have not been applied to applicants equally. However, most decisions on secondary places of schooling are in accordance with the law.
Claims for rectification concerning education provided in Finnish are processed by Regional State Administrative Agencies according to their geographical scope. In other words, the competent Regional State Administrative Agency is determined based on where the school or educational institution that made the decision is located. All claims for rectification concerning education in Swedish are processed by the Swedish-speaking education and culture unit at the Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland, which has national competence in the matter (excluding the province of Åland).
Leading Legal Counsel Kreeta Pölönen, Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland, Division of Education and Culture
There is variation in the quality and coverage of self-monitoring in the wellbeing services counties. The organisation of and resources available to self-monitoring also vary greatly. The wellbeing services counties are not fully able to ensure equitable access to and sufficiency of services through self-monitoring. By law, the wellbeing services counties are responsible for supervising all outsourced and self-produced services.
In many of the wellbeing services counties, the integration process has not yet been completed, which complicates the pursuing of self-monitoring. The monitoring processes themselves are not yet finalised. Self-monitoring is further complicated by the fact that there are multiple patient and client information systems in use. However, the wellbeing services counties have already drawn up their statutory self-monitoring programmes, and under these the preparation of the self-monitoring plans specifically provided for by law has begun.
There are plans for extensive leveraging of digital and remote services and for reinforcing early support in order to ensure equal access to services. Challenges in personnel availability are being met with pay improvements, outsourced services and reforms of operating areas, allocation of job duties and management.
Supervisory authorities continue to verify self-monitoring
During 2023, self-monitoring performance was evaluated through steering and assessment visits conducted by Valvira and the regional state administrative agencies in the wellbeing services counties, at HUS and in the City of Helsinki. These visits formed part of the planned oversight functions of the supervisory authorities. Their purpose was to help wellbeing services counties engage successfully in self-monitoring and to ensure that self-monitoring was being carried out. On these visits, special attention was paid to child welfare services, implementation of the Decree on Maternity and Child Care Clinics, preventive health care for children and adolescents, access to treatment and home care.
Valvira and the regional state administrative agencies continue to support the wellbeing services counties in their development of self-monitoring and in ensuring the continuity, safety and quality of services along with promoting equal access to services for clients.
Senior Officer Tuula Kotimäki, 0295 209 316
The Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland has prohibited Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy from carrying out lost property office activities for a fixed period of one month from 12 September to 11 October 2023. The lost property office has repeatedly and seriously violated the Lost Property Act and Decree.
On 25 February 2022, the Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland issued a decision prohibiting the lost property office activities of Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy for a period of one month. On 11 July 2023, the Helsinki Administrative Court issued a decision (no 4110/2023) maintaining the a fixed-term operating prohibition imposed by the Regional State Administrative Agency. The prohibition of activities is valid from 12 September to 11 October 2023.
During the prohibition period, Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy or its employees may not collect or receive lost property. The company’s lost property offices must be kept closed. Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy may not market its activities. The company’s telephone services provided for a charge and its online enquiries must be kept closed. During the prohibition period, Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy is prohibited from entering into new agreements with companies and other operators for the outsourcing of lost property services. The Regional State Administrative Agency will monitor whether Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy complies with a fixed-term operating ban.
In its decision, the Regional State Administrative Agency has instructed Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy on how it can inform customers of the prohibition of operations. The Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy website, telephone service and online enquiry should contain a notification of the operating prohibition for customers requesting lost property. The notification must state that the Regional State Administrative Agency has imposed a fixed-term operating prohibition on Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu Oy.
During the operating prohibition, consumers will not be able to pick up lost property from Suomen Löytövarapalvelu Oy's lost property offices, and the lost property will not be mailed to customers during the operating prohibition.
The Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland supervises the operations of lost property offices nationally
The Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland supervises the legality of lost property offices at the national level, for example by processing reports on their activities. The Regional State Administrative Agency intervenes in the activities of a lost property office if we learn of a negligence. Lost property offices are regulated by the Finnish Lost Property Act and Lost Property Decree.
Read more about the topic:
- Oversight of lost property offices
- Lost Property Act (in Finnish)
- Lost Property Decree (in Finnish)
Further information for the media:
Lawyer Amanda Haavisto, tel. +358 295 018 252
[email protected]
Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland
Electronic services in the updated alcohol trade register Allu are now available in Finnish and Swedish. The register’s e-services will also be available in English later.
Allu is a register maintained by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) and the Regional State Administrative Agencies, in which information about alcohol operators, alcohol licences and alcoholic products, as well as their production and deliveries, is saved. The register is used by various parties, ranging from serving licence holders to retailers, wholesalers, producers, industrial users and the authorities.
All alcohol licences, changes in licences, notifications and reports are now processed in Allu’s e-services following the one stop shop principle
Applications and notifications will be automatically forwarded to the correct Regional State Administrative Agency or Valvira for processing.
Active system development will continue. Visit our website for up-to-date information about the development of the register.
The alcohol trade register has shifted to the modern age
The deployment of the new Allu register has a significant impact on the alcohol sector as a whole.
“With the new Allu, the alcohol administration’s digitalisation goals can be achieved, as the system enables user-friendly e-services for notifications, licences and reports. What is more, the new register makes it easier to contact the authorities and also makes the alcohol administration’s activities more effective,” says Markus Henriksson, Director General of Valvira.
The new alcohol trade register also improves the quality of information.
“In the future, Allu will allow us to collect the information required to support effective licensing and supervisory activities,” says Henriksson.
Read more about Allu:
Visit our website for more information and videos that help you get started in using the new system.
Further information:
General questions about the alcohol trade register: alkoholi(at)
Technical questions about the alcohol trade register: allu(at)
The deployment date (18 April) of the new alcohol trade register Allu is approaching fast. In this news, we will tell you what you need to know about the deployment of the new alcohol trade register.
Electronic services will be temporarily closed during the deployment
The target date for deploying the new Allu e-services is 18 April 2023. As the current Allu register will be closed on Thursday 13 April at 9 am, information cannot be reported and product notifications cannot be submitted between 13 and 18 April.
Completely new e-services will be deployed by noon on 18 April. Please note that there may be delays in processing during the deployment of the system.
Log in to the new Allu through services
You can access the alcohol trade register’s e-services through the e-Identification service. If you have the right to sign for your company, you can log in to Allu using your online banking codes, for example. Other users must be provided with authorisations to act on behalf of your company. authorisations must be applied for everyone who submits product notifications, reports sales information or applies for licences on your company’s behalf. Without the authorisation, only individuals with the right to sign for your company can use the updated Allu system. Read instructions on how to apply for authorisations.
Frequently asked questions about the Allu update
What will change in the new Allu?
- Until now, applications for alcohol licences have been submitted using paper or PDF forms. As a result of the Allu update, applications for alcohol licences must be submitted online, and the system for reporting alcohol sales data and submitting product notifications will become more user-friendly.
- Read more about the new alcohol trade register.
Does Allu indicate who processes my application?
- The processing authority and the processor are indicated in the processing section on the front page.
Does Allu indicate the processing status for my application?
- The status of processing is shown in the processing section on the front page. Once your application has been processed, you can read the decision in the decision section.
How do I know whether my application has been processed?
- Information about decisions is sent through the Messages service if your company has enabled electronic notifications at or on paper if electronic notifications have not been enabled. In addition, the processing status is also shown in real time in Allu.
Further information: alkoholi(at)
The electronic services of Allu, the new alcohol trade register, will be deployed soon. The targeted deployment date is 18 April 2023. As the current Allu register will be closed on 13 April, information cannot be reported, and product notifications cannot be submitted between 13 and 18 April.
Allu is a register maintained by the Regional State Administrative Agencies and the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira), in which information about alcohol operators, alcohol licences and alcoholic products, as well as their production and deliveries, is saved. The register is used by various parties, ranging from serving licence holders to retailers, wholesalers, producers, industrial users and the authorities.
From paper forms to e-services
Until now, applications for alcohol licences have been submitted using paper or PDF forms. In the new system, applications for alcohol licences and alcohol-related notifications will be submitted in e-services. At the same time, all existing electronic services of the current alcohol trade register will be updated. You can best prepare for the change by already obtaining the authorisation, that is required for logging in to the Allu system.
Electronic services will be temporarily closed during the deployment
The deployment of the new register requires that the current electronic services are closed. The closing down takes place on Thursday 13 April at 9 am. This means that information cannot be reported, and product notifications cannot be submitted between 13 and 18 April. Completely new e-services will be deployed by noon on 18 April.
Please note that there may be delays in processing during the deployment of the system.
Valvira provides licence holders with more detailed information through customer newsletters.
Further information is available from [email protected].
Submit reports for 2022 in January as before. As a result of the update, it is important that reports are submitted on time:
- Submit six-month serving reports and annual retail reports by 31 January 2023.
- Submit December delivery reports and September–December kegging and bottling reports by 18 January 2023.
Also take care of your licences at first opportunity. There may be delays in the processing of applications close to the deployment date. Most recent information about the update is available on the website of the updated alcohol trade register (, only in Finnish).
Grant an authorisation for e-services at
Only individuals with the right to sign for their company can use the new alcohol trade register’s e-services without any separate authorisation. This means that they need to grant an authorisation for other individuals or companies that submit product notifications, report sales data or apply for licences on their company’s behalf. The website includes instructions on how individuals with the right to sign for their company can grant an authorisation for another individual or an accounting firm, for example.
When granting an authorisation, note the following:
- Select “Mandate for transactions” as the authorisation type.
- Select the individual or company for which you want to grant an authorisation. Do not select Valvira as a party.
- Select “Applying permits and reporting of the alcohol sector” if you want to grant an authorisation to apply for alcohol licences and report data on your company’s behalf. If you only want to grant an authorisation to report data, select “Reporting of the alcohol sector to the authorities”. Do not select any other authorisations – select either of these two.
Our previous piece of news includes instructions on how an individual requiring an authorisation can request it and how an individual with the right to sign for their company can approve the request. An authorisation can also be obtained like this. More information about requesting an authorisation is available on the website.
Further information:
The update of the Allu alcohol trade register is progressing. As a result of the update, applications for alcohol licences must be submitted online, and the system for reporting alcohol sales data and submitting product notifications will become more user-friendly.
Prepare for the update by obtaining a authorisation for everyone who submits product notifications, reports sales data or applies for licences on your company’s behalf. Without the authorisation, only individuals with the right to sign for your company can use the updated Allu system. Instructions for authorisation applicants:
- Go to – e-Authorizations. Click “Identification”.
- Identify yourself using your online banking codes, a certificate card or a mobile certificate.
- Click “Personal mandates” and then “Request mandates” on the next page.
- On the “Parties” page, click “Add a company” and enter the name of the company you represent.
- On the “Mandate themes” page, select “Applying permits and reporting of the alcohol sector” if you apply for alcohol licences and report data in your company. If you only report data, select “Reporting of the alcohol sector to the authorities”. As the other options are intended for the authorities, select either of these two options.
- Proceed according to the instructions given in the service and confirm your request, after which the request will be forwarded to an individual with the right to sign for your company for approval.
- They must then log in to e-Authorizations to approve your request.
The new alcohol trade register will be deployed at the beginning of next year. A more accurate date will be announced later this autumn. Applying for an authorisation is the best way to prepare for the update at this stage.
More instructions on how to apply for an authorisation is available in the service.
For more information, please contact:
Markku Paavilainen, senior officer, Valvira +358 50 472 5865
Joona Leppälahti, systems specialist, Valvira +358 50 436 5538
Fujitsu Finland Oy has been chosen to implement the new service provider register Soteri. The commissioning of the Soteri register will take place at the beginning of 2024.
Soteri is a new register for licensing and supervisory authorities. Basic information on all private and public social and healthcare service providers and private early childhood education and care service providers will be collected in the new service. Soteri also serves as a register for inspection data.
The information in the register serves the information needs of The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health Valvira, the Regional State Administrative Agencies and several stakeholder groups. The information can also be used by health and social services customers.
The aim is to turn Soteri into a customer-oriented e-service that brings together comprehensive, uniform, and up-to-date information on all service providers in one register. Soteri replaces the previous separate registers, and after implementation, the data is maintained only in Soteri, facilitating the work of both service providers and the authorities. Soteri is also an important part of the expansion of Valvira's digital services and the government program for promoting digitalization.
Further information:
Administrative Director Jussi Luomajärvi, 0295 209 362, Valvira
Chief Information Officer Oskari Halttunen, 0295 209 220, Valvira
There are good news concerning the alcohol trade register ALLU. The reform of the system is progressing, and its commissioning will take place at the end of the year. According to the current estimate, the system will be available to customers in December 2022. Next summer’s permit applications will already be handled through the new ALLU system.
The exact commissioning date will be confirmed in the early autumn. During the autumn, a more precise schedule for customers’ end-of-year reporting will also be confirmed.
The reform of the ALLU register into fully electronic format will clarify and accelerate the application process for alcohol licences and improve access to information and the quality of information.
Allu contains information on alcohol sector operators and alcohol-related licenses. Information on alcohol deliveries between license holders as well as restaurant and retail sales volumes is also recorded on the system for supervisory purposes. The data is used to generate statistical information on capacity, sales and consumption nationally, which is published annually by the National Institute for Health and Welfare.
Further information:
Systems Specialist Joona Leppälahti, tel. +358 295 209 373, joona.leppalahti(at)