- Services
- Individuals
- Services and contact information
- Helplines and other ways to get in touch
- About corona
- About our website
- Accessibility disclaimer
- Communications
- Data protection
- Aerial forest fire surveillance
- Animals
- Communications
- Customer service
- Data protection in joint property management associations’ contact information notifications
- Education and culture
- Processing of complaints
- Projects, surveys and general registers
- Safety and security
- Social welfare and health care
- Water and environmental permits
- Wealth and assets
- Agency supervision register
- Data protection in the Enforcement of the Anti-Money Laundering Act
- Debt collection agency register
- Lost property office register
- Obligation management report app
- Pawnbroking
- Real estate brokerage and letting agency register
- Payment deposit register
- Register of creditors and peer-to-peer loan brokers
- Recruiting
- Fees and charges
- Frequently asked questions
- Information resources
- Licences, notices and applications
- Alcohol serving and sales
- Animals
- Animal breeding
- Animal health control
- Animal husbandry
- Animal shows and displays
- Animal transport authorisations
- Animal welfare violations
- Broiler stocking density notifications
- Contagious animal diseases
- Killing of animals
- Movement of animals to EU Member States and TRACES NT
- Laboratory animals
- Notification of an animal competition
- Notification of the keeping of animals
- Notifications relating to professional or large-scale keeping of animals
- Notification of transporting animals to/from Finland
- Outdoor cattle grazing
- Wild animal farming
- Wildlife hospitals
- Burials
- Corporate governance enforcement
- Early childhood education
- Education and culture
- Occupational safety and health and work
- Property development, housing and joint property management associations
- Real estate or letting agents
- Social welfare and health care
- Water and the environment
- Wealth and assets
- Guidance and advice
- Accessibility
- Aerial forest fire surveillance
- Alcohol marketing
- Competition and consumer affairs
- Contagious animal diseases
- Coordination and enforcement of health care services for prisoners and the armed forces
- Customers’ rights
- Estate agents and letting agents
- Food control
- Free-range pigs and poultry
- Health protection
- Medicines
- Patients’ rights
- Romani affairs
- Tobacco control and enforcement
- Water and the environment
- Wealth and assets
- Welfare and public health
- Challenging decisions
- Enforcement and reporting violations
- Accessibility
- Alcohol serving and sales
- Animals
- Competition and consumer affairs
- Education and culture
- Estate agents
- Food
- Health protection
- Local government pilots on employment
- Occupational safety and health
- Reporting local authority misconduct
- Rescue services
- Social welfare and health care
- Wealth and assets
- Services and contact information
- Businesses
- Services and contact information
- Licences, notices and applications
- Alcohol serving and sales
- Animals
- Animal breeding
- Animal health control
- Animal husbandry
- Animal shows and displays
- Animal trade notices
- Animal transport authorisations
- Broiler stocking density notices
- Contagious animal diseases
- Destruction of animals
- Disinfection of livestock transport vehicles
- Disposal of water from animal transport vehicles
- Laboratory animals
- Movement of animals to EU Member States and TRACES NT
- Notification of an animal competition
- Notification of the keeping of animals
- Notifications relating to professional or large-scale keeping of animals
- Notification of transporting animals to/from Finland
- Outdoor cattle grazing
- Private veterinary care provision
- Reindeer husbandry
- Wild animal farming
- Wildlife hospitals
- Burials
- Corporate governance enforcement
- Early childhood education
- Education and culture
- Property development, housing and joint property management associations
- Real estate or letting agents
- Social welfare and health care
- Tobacco sales
- Water and the environment
- Occupational safety and health and work
- Wealth and assets
- Guidance and advice
- Accessibility
- Aerial forest fire surveillance
- Alcohol marketing
- Competition and consumer affairs
- Contagious animal diseases
- Coordination and enforcement of health care services for prisoners and the armed forces
- Estate agents and letting agents
- Food control
- Free-range pigs and poultry
- Medicines
- Quality assurance of social services
- Rights and status of customers
- Rights and status of patients
- Water and the environment
- Romani affairs
- Wealth and assets
- Welfare and public health
- Self-regulation
- Enforcement and reporting violations
- Accessibility
- Animals
- Competition and consumer affairs
- Education and culture
- Enforcement of alcohol serving and sales
- Estate agents
- Food
- Health protection
- Local government pilots on employment
- Occupational safety and health
- Oversight of rescue services
- Reporting local authority misconduct
- Social welfare and health care
- Wealth and assets
- Government agencies
- Services and contact information
- Licences, notices and applications
- Guidance and advice
- Accessibility
- Advice on the Finnish Health Protection Act
- Aerial forest fire surveillance
- Contamination of water supply
- Coordination and enforcement of health care services for prisoners and the armed forces
- Coordination of tobacco control
- Environmental health audits and consultancy
- Food
- Libraries
- Medicines
- Quality assurance of social services
- Rights and status of customers
- Rights and status of patients
- Romani affairs
- Veterinary medical care
- Water and the environment
- Welfare and public health
- Self-regulation
- Enforcement and reporting violations
- Individuals
- About us
- Regional State Administrative Agencies
- Our services
- Accessibility
- Alcohol licensing
- Animals and animal testing
- Competition and consumer affairs
- Contagious diseases and epidemics
- Early education
- Education and culture
- Enforcement of estate agents
- Food control
- Health protection
- International relations
- Occupational safety and health
- Rescue services
- Safety and security
- Social welfare and health care
- Swedish-language education
- Tobacco control
- Water and environment
- Wealth and assets
- Our other duties
- What we do
- Careers
- Current issues