Notifications relating to food premises

If you sell fruit wine, sahti or craft beer to customers, you must send a notification relating to food premises to the Regional State Administrative Agency. Alko retail shops must also send us this notification.

Submit notifications of all other kinds of food premises to your local authority.

Fill in the notification form and send it to your Regional State Administrative Agency’s registry by email or by post.

The Regional State Administrative Agency charges a fee for the processing of your application. A link to the form and the contact information of our registries are given at the bottom of this page.

You must notify the Regional State Administrative Agency of any changes in your sales of fruit wine, sahti or craft beer and any changes to the related premises. The Regional State Administrative Agency must also be notified of any changes in the premises and operations of Alko food premises.

Frequently asked questions

Oiva is a public access system for publishing food control reports, coordinated by the Finnish Food Authority. The results of food business control are published as soon as the authorities have completed the reporting. The results are published on a website using a scale of smileys. To search for Oiva reports by company name or address or by local authority, go to