Work and occupational safety and health
If your issue is related to the permits, authorisations or notifications below, you can find forms and instructions on the website of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in Finland (työsuojelu).
Children and young people
- notice of using young workers aged 16 and 17 in hazardous work
- exemptions concerning young workers:
- exemption concerning young persons under 14 years of age working as performers or assistants
- exemption from young person’s working hours and the distribution of working hours, overtime and rest periods
- exception concerning young persons performing particularly harmful work.
Maritime labour certificate (MLC)
- request for an occupational safety and health inspection on board for a maritime labour certificate.
Construction sites
- advance notice of construction work and asbestos removal work
- licences, qualifications and registers related to asbestos removal work
- recognition of foreign qualifications for crane operators
- site-specific exemption from the crane operator’s qualification
- issuing a charger’s certificate.
Working hours
- exemptions granted under the Working Hours Act:
- exemption from regular working hours and daily rest period in work performed occasionally
- exemption concerning working hours averaged over a period
- exemption concerning regular night shifts
- exemption from the requirement to draw up shift rosters
- emergency work notices.
Occupational accidents
- notice of serious occupational accident.
Foreign labour
- notice of posting workers to Finland.