Movement of animals to EU Member States and TRACES NT
On this page, we will explain what you must take into account when moving animals from one country to another. More information about movements of animals within the EU can be found on the Finnish Food Authority's website at General requirements for movements of animals within the Union.
Login to TRACES, the system used in the foreign trade of animals and products became a two-step process. The change applies to all TRACES users and it became obligatory from 11 June 2024.
To login to TRACES, you need access rights to the system and an EU Login user account. For instructions for activating the two-step identification, go to the website of the Finnish Food Authority.
Ensimmäinen haitariotsikko
A user role is only required when you are moving animals that need a route plan to an EU Member State.
The user role is useful if
- you want to save your validated certificates in the system and view them
- you want to prepare part I of the health certificate for the dispatched animal.
How do I apply for a user role?
- Create an EU Login ID for yourself on the EU Login page. Create a new account at ‘Create an account’. Close the browser after you have created the account.
- After the Regional State Administrative Agency has approved you as an animal keeper and your email has been linked to you as the keeper, you will receive an email from the system. Use the link in the email message to apply for a user role for yourself (you as a keeper).
- The Regional State Administrative Agency validates the user role in the system.
Read more on the Finnish Food Authority's website at Registration in the TRACES system.
- Give the consignor of the animals the required information (destination and driver) before the animal is moved.
- After the animal has been moved, you must check that the animal is in good health and fit and that it is accompanied by an appropriately completed TRACES NT health certificate.
- The certificate may also be electronically signed.
- The certificate must be kept for three years.
- If the animal is not healthy and fit and/or the certificate is not appropriately completed, keep the animal in isolation and immediately contact the municipal veterinarian.
- Check the measures and documents required by the country of destination.
- Make sure that you have all the documents required for the animal and that the animal has received all required vaccinations.
- Book an appointment with the municipal veterinarian for a health examination for your animal.
- If you have applied for user rights to the TRACES NT system, you should enter an application for a health certificate in the TRACES system at least two working days before the health examination by the veterinarian (enter the details of the consignment and the animal in the system).
- The municipal veterinarian checks your animal and validates the health certificate in the TRACES NT system.
- The period of validity of the certificate is indicated on the document.
TRACES NT is a system maintained by the European Commission.
The purpose of the system is to relay information between EU Member States, the authorities and other partners. It can also be used in the preparation and control of health certificates. An official veterinarian in the country of dispatch prepares the health certificate in the system.
More information can be found on the TRACES pages on the Finnish Food Authority website
Note! You should check all details at least two weeks before the movement.
- Make sure that your animal establishment and its location have been entered in the register of animal keepers and establishments maintained by the Finnish Food Authority.
- Instruction and link: (the information is in Finnish and Swedish)
- If you are not yet registered, enter the details of your animal establishment and its location in the register. If you need help, contact your local rural business authority (the information is in Finnish and Swedish).
- If your establishment is not the place of dispatch, place of loading or the place of destination, make sure to check that the establishment in question has been entered in the register of animal keepers and establishments and is validated in TRACES NT.
Submit the ID of your establishment to the registry of your Regional State Administrative Agency and request that your establishment be validated in the TRACES NT system.
- Make sure that the details of the driver can be found in the TRACES NT system.
- The animal transport authorisations for commercial drivers have been validated in the TRACES NT system.
- If there is no animal transport authorisation, see the instructions at (in Finnish and in Swedish).
You do not need the health certificate when
- you are travelling in EU Member States with your pet and the following conditions are met:
- the animal is travelling with you on the same trip
- you have no more than five animals with you
- the animal is one of the following
- dog
- cat
- ferret and/or
- other small animal
- you are leaving for a competition journey with a horse to
- Sweden
- Norway
- Denmark
- In the above cases, remember the following conditions:
Finnish Food Authority: Movement of horses (the information is in Finnish and Swedish)
You need the TRACES NT health certificate if
- you are delivering pets to a new owner or for sale in
- EU Member States
- Switzerland
- Norway
- you are purchasing a pet/pets from
- EU Member States
- Switzerland
- Norway
- you are exporting or importing horses (including horses that you own) from
- EU Member States
- Switzerland
- Norway
- you are exporting or importing production animals (including fish) from
- EU Member States
- Switzerland
- Norway
- you are exporting or purchasing gametes of animals other than dogs from
- EU Member States
- Switzerland
- Norway.
These instructions apply to the movement of animals between EU Member States, Switzerland and Norway. More information can be found on the website of the Finnish Food Authority at General requirements for movements of animals within the Union.
You may need the TRACES NT system if you are importing animals from outside the EU or exporting animals to a destination outside the EU. Remember to check the requirements for individual countries.
More information can be found on the website of the Finnish Food Authority at
More information
Finnish Food Authority
Eläintenpitäjä- ja pitopaikkarekisteri (in Finnish or in Swedish)
Lemmikkien maahantulo, Ruokaviraston hakukone (in Finnish)
Other links and guidance
- TRACES-system (in Finnish)
- TRACES NT: Toimijan rekisteröityminen TRACES NT- järjestelmään ja terveystodistuksen I- osan luominen (in Finnish)
More information
Finnish Food Authority
Eläintenpitäjä- ja pitopaikkarekisteri (in Finnish or in Swedish)
Lemmikkien maahantulo, Ruokaviraston hakukone (in Finnish)
Other links and guidance
- TRACES-system (in Finnish)
- TRACES NT: Toimijan rekisteröityminen TRACES NT- järjestelmään ja terveystodistuksen I- osan luominen (in Finnish)