Regional State Administrative Agencies
We promote the realisation of basic rights and legal protection, accessibility of health and social services, sustainable use of the environment, domestic safety and healthy and safe living and working environments in our operating areas. We also implement, direct and enforce laws in our operating areas.
Our operations are governed by legislation and eight ministries. We act as the regional representative of these ministries and perform duties assigned to us by them.
Continental Finland has six Regional State Administrative Agencies. The Regional State Administrative Agency for Åland is the State Department of Åland.
Our vision
Creating a sustainable future - together and locally
Our values
Customer-oriented approach
We serve our customers proactively, fairly, swiftly and by reconciling points of view.
We offer our customers the best expertise and information
We update our expertise actively.
Working together
We work together responsibly and effectively across administrative boundaries. We develop our activities openly with our partners and customers.
Our strategic priorities
- We increase vitality
- We carry out a sustainable and clean transition
- We facilitate preparedness and comprehensive security
- We secure wellbeing and equality
- Thriving staff and work communities
- Excellent customer experience and stakeholder cooperation
- Digitalised and streamlined processes.
Towards the new Finnish Supervisory Agency
Starting 2026, we will be working at the new Finnish Supervisory Agency. The new agency will include all of Valvira’s tasks, most of the tasks of the Regional State Administrative Agencies and a majority of the tasks of the ELY Centres’ Environmental and Natural Resources division. The agency’s tasks will include social welfare and health care, environmental services, education and training.
Regional State Administrative Agency employees will transfer to the new organisation along with their tasks. The agency will employ some 2,000 people all over Finland. The new agency will harmonise permit and supervision practices and streamline permit processes.
In the regional administration reform, the tasks of Regional State Administrative Agencies’ competition and consumer administration will be transferred to the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority, and some tasks relating to environmental health will be transferred to the Finnish Food Authority.
Lupa-, ohjaus- ja valvontaviraston toimeenpanohanke (, in Finnish)