Reindeer husbandry
The Regional State Administrative Agency for Lapland supervises compliance with the Reindeer Husbandry Act and provisions and regulations issued on its basis.
Reindeer slaughterhouses and meat processing facilities need authorisation from the Regional State Administrative Agency for Lapland. We are also the competent authority for reviewing changes proposed to existing authorisations. Permission to open a reindeer slaughterhouse or to make changes to the operation of an existing slaughterhouse may be sought by writing to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Lapland. There is no application form, but the information that must be provided in the application is laid down in the Government Decree on Food Control.
In addition to enforcing reindeer husbandry regulations, we also carry out meat inspections and audits in reindeer slaughterhouses and meat processing facilities.
Other aspects of reindeer meat production and retail are the responsibility of local authority animal health inspectors.
The normal animal welfare, health and transport requirements also apply to reindeer.
Contact information
Risto M Ruuska, Regional Veterinary Officer, tel. +358 (0)29 501 7381