Public employment services
At the Regional State Administrative Agency, we supervise municipal employment services and the organisation of employment services. We also supervise the KEHA Centre (the Development and Administrative Services Centre for Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment), when it carries out tasks under the Unemployment Security Act.
Our national supervisory duties are assigned to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland.
Our supervision means monitoring legality, which includes investigating complaints and self-initiated supervision. We may also carry out inspections.
Public employment services organised by the employment authority include
- employment services
- information, counselling and guidance services
- coaching
- labour market training
- change security training
- expert evaluations
- trials
- independent study supported by unemployment benefit for jobseekers.
The employment authority also grants different subsidies and compensation to employers and private customers.
Subsidies granted to employers:
- pay subsidy
- employment subsidy for persons aged 55 and over
- subsidy for arranging working conditions
Subsidies and compensation granted to private customers:
- start-up grants
- reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs
- discretionary reimbursement of costs
The employment authorities and the KEHA Centre will issue labour policy statements within their authority.
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